Introducing the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Technology Training Program – AIC at Information Technology Park (ITP)

On April 24th, 2021, the Ho Chi Minh City National University and the Pacific Asia Innovation Group (IPPG) officially launched the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Training Program, and inaugurated the AI Center at the Ho Chi Minh City Information Technology Park (ITP).
The AIC launch ceremony was an opportunity to introduce the program officially, as well as experience AI-Robotics and exhibit AI solutions for networking and connecting in the AI community. Many startups nurtured at ITP and the Ho Chi Minh City Innovative Entrepreneurship Center (IEC) also had the opportunity to showcase their unit’s AI applications to guests from central to local authorities.

AIC is a pioneering AI education program that has been quality assessed by a reputable expert council and is a part of the national project directed by the Ho Chi Minh City National University to build an AI education ecosystem. The program has garnered the attention of various ministries, departments, and committees.
AIC was established with the mission of providing students and people in Vietnam with a foundation of knowledge in AI-Robotics and understanding the importance and application of AI in the booming era of information technology, as well as adapting to the fourth industrial revolution. Besides offering a variety of courses and training for students, AIC also organizes free seminars for the community, starting from May.
The program launch was attended by prominent figures such as:
  • GS.TS Nguyen Thien Nhan – Head of the Ho Chi Minh City National Assembly Delegation XIV
  • Mrs. Truong My Hoa – Former Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  • PGS.TS.Vu Hai Quan – Director of the Ho Chi Minh City National University
  • PGS.TS Duong Anh Duc – Member of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee
  • Mrs. Le Hong Thuy Tien – General Director of IPPG, along with distinguished leaders from departments, districts, and provinces throughout Ho Chi Minh City and other regions.
The Ho Chi Minh City Information Technology Park (ITP) is a hub for technology and innovation, and the AIC is a significant contribution to this ecosystem. The ITP website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page are platforms to access information and keep up with the latest developments in the technology industry. With the AIC, Vietnam is taking a step forward in becoming a regional leader in AI education and development.

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